10 September 2007

Mailing address and Update

As some of you know, my orders were moved up from 1 October 2007 to 14 September 2007. I'll actually be in DC until the 16th when I leave for Port Hueneme, California for a week at Naval Mobilization Processing Station Pacific Fleet.

Once I get to Iraq on or about the 14th of October, my mailing address will be

LT Robert Kurkjian, SC, USN
Allgood Hall, Bldg. 58a
APO, AE 09342-1400

All you need to do is put regular domestic 1st class postage on the envelope or package and it should be to me in 7 to 10 days.

For those of you who have already inquired what all those acronyms mean, here you go:

SC - Although I like to tell people this stands for Southern California, it actually stands for Supply Corps
USN - United States Navy
MNF-I - Multinational Forces Iraq
R&S - Resources and Sustainment
DLA - Defense Logisitics Agency
DCST-IZ - Defense Contingency Support Team - International Zone

Many of you have also inquired about where I will be spending most of my time - at Camp Victory in Baghdad, so I have pasted in the links below if you are interested:

http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/iraq/abu_ghurayb-cc.htm (scroll down the page until you get to the Camp Victory part)

As I said, I leave for NMPS on Sunday night. I'll spend a week there and then go in to Camp McCrady at Fort Jackson, SC for a two week combat readiness course. For many members of the Navy, this will be all new. Fortunately for me, it will be more of a refresher since much of the curriculm is the core of what a Seabee must be qualified in anyway. www.seabees.navy.mil After McCrady, I will head to Kuwait for a week to complete a practical convoy security course and then I head to Baghdad, via air.


Unknown said...

Great idea for the blog, Bob! You can count on the fact that all of us will be checking this regularly for all of your wild and crazy stories from Iraq. And of course, we'll be anxious to hear about the status of the Baghdad USC alumni club. God speed, travel safe, and Fight On!


Lara Hopwood said...

Hi, Bob! Hey, I had no idea you're going to hanging out in a palace. I'll be checking back here often. I'm excited for you. (But not just because you're going to hang out in a palace.) Stay safe. What an adventure.

Unknown said...

Let us know what we can send you once you arrive. Candy, US Weekly, New York Times? :) Stay safe.

Unknown said...

Hi Bob,

A huge Thank You for all that you do for us. We're thinking of you and wishing you a safe journey. We look forward to your updates and the many friends (Trojan Family members?) you'll meet and soon bring together. =)

Take care and Fight On!

la souris gourmande said...

Before long we will be able to come to visit you,Bobby! Meanwhile find out about available Armenian girls, there is a large Armenian community there, for my sons and also Armenian boys for my daughters! Check out all the hot spots, including nice restaurants and wine bars and bazars. All jokes aside, Landragins wish you a safe sejour. I am positive that you will make your life there as enjoyable as possible, as you always do, and I am looking forward to reading you adventures often, soldier Kukrjian. I am on my way to France today, so sorry for missing your party. Lots of hugs, Anna

Janet said...

Bob, make sure you post some pictures when you get time. What can I send you from Hungary? Paprika? Salami? A folk dancing outfit to wow your colleagues with? Let me know. Erik and I (and Oscar, soon!) will be thinking of you. Kisses, Janet

Anonymous said...

Go get'em, Bob. Been there. Done that. And, honestly, I'd do it again. Keep your SCWS knowledge sharp, watch your six and always remember - Pork Chops Rule! Let me know what I can send your way. Don't hesitate to call if you need any type of logistics support (DSN 262-4001). You're a great leader and a helluva an officer. Stay in touch, brother! Dave

Unknown said...

Bob: Best of luck to you. I know it's been a long time and I had no idea you were even in the naval reserve. Take care of yourself, stay safe, and enjoy life in the palace. Sam Kubernick

Ray and Judy said...

Bob, keep your head down and your body armour on. Be safe. Let me know if there is anything you need or want from England.

Be careful dear friend.

Judy C.

Anonymous said...

I read your blog this morning. I am actually glad to hear that the food sucks as I am taking this opportunity of this adventure to loose some weight anyway.
Any good gouge? I understand I should get some five gallon paint buckets from Home Depot? How does that work anyway? Place the bucket at the bottom of the sea bag and fill? Also, how is the PT there? How do you think I guy with one fake foot will do? I hear everything from it is demanding to just a lot of long marches or walks with heavy gear on, I.E. no worries.
Also, are they letting anyone out on liberty? My Pop lives about one hour away from the base and it would be nice to visit.
Fight On!

Anonymous said...

We had dinner with your folks last night and Betty gave me your Blog--A great idea and we will check it on a regular basis!!!

Keep Safe and We think of you every day until we see you again!!!
Bob & Eileen

Anonymous said...

Bob, the blog is great!! As our resident adverturer keep us posted on your happenings. Michelle E is keeping the BOG on its toes and our friend Mr. DiBeikis is in the wings. By the way, he just sent me a fantastic USC lettermans jacket with a huge Trojans monogramed on the back. You would love it!! I have met all the new Deans and they are all wonderful..lots of churn, but for the good. The basketball team looks real good, we will beat UCLA thi year with defense and our new O.J. We miss you, but are proud of what you are doing and the way you are doing it. Thank you!!!