16 March 2008

Warfare Redesigned

As staff officers manning desks and watch stations instead of gun turrets and humvees, it is rare that we ever engage in actual counter-insurgency operations. We feel the reverberation of incoming fire and hear the noise, but generally continue about our business uninterrupted. Recently, however, there have been several notable instances of our perimeter being infiltrated by insurgent forces. This startling and bothersome revelation has resulted in the mobilization of military and civilians alike in a combined effort to secure our area. As you know, civilians are un-armed and even with all the gear the Navy issued me, I was not equipped properly for this mission. The insurgents are a nimble and fast moving. We have had to adjust our tactics and use new methods of teamwork to effectively fight. This picture represents our current defensive posture in the office . . .

My officemate, MAJ Dave Troutman, and I prepare for the onslaught of airbourne bloodsuckers.
WHOA! What happened to your HAIR??
Umm, why, does it look different? Okay, I shaved my head. Or rather, Samato, the barber from Sri Lanka shaved my head (he checked with me three times just to make sure that he understood, and even then approached the task with great caution). As of the date on this post (March 16, 2008), I am exactly FOUR weeks away from starting the trek back to the joy of wine with dinner (or without - but I can choose), a private bathroom, Hawaiian shirts and flip flops. To mark this auspicious occasion, I thought I needed to make a statement. I also wanted to get a preview on how I would look in the future when there would be no need for me to go to a barber at all.

Signs of the Times

Yes, that sign does say "Non Potable Water Do Not Drink." Only the Army . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the shaved head.

It's been said that only virile men extremely comfortable with their sexuality shave their heads...